Simply Safety Ltd
Simply Safety Ltd have the capability to provide a documented management system to meet 'ISO' requirements for Safety Quality and Environment, railway accreditation such as the RISQS Scheme, road transport management systems to meet the FORS accreditation requirements to 'Bronze' Standard, conduct internal audits for Safety, Quality, Environment and Lloyds Register of Shipping
Complete documented management systems to meet the needs of: RISQS Requirements; FORS Transport Management; current ISO 9001;14001 & 45001; Lloyds Register of Shipping IMS Auditing requirements
Conduct site audits and inspections
Internal audits to meet compliance arrangements for: RISQS Requirements; current ISO 9001;14001 & 45001
COSHH Assessments
Risk Assessments
Method Statements, Work Package Plans; Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans; Quality Plans, Environmental Management Plans
Section 61 Consents to manage potential noise nuisance
Waste Management and Control solutions for correct disposal
COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Operational Procedures
Initial Contact
Arrange a meeting to discuss the requirements of your business and ensure that we can meet your needs, and maintain compliance and assurance
Decide the 'way forward' in a collaborative manner and establish if your current management systems will meet requirements of your chosen accreditation body. If not a 'joined up approach' to achieve your aim in your particular market place
Discuss out puts and establish the 'way forward'. Do we support you and your current HSQE staff, or do we supply the HSQE solution to support your business, we decide what and any intervention required to maintain compliance and assurance